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We keep you centered.
STC kicks off
Pakiglambigit 2017
“I, hereby declare Pakiglambigit 2017 open!”
These were the words of Saint Theresa’s College Acting Directress, Mme. Nilda Pinili as she officially launched Pakiglambigit 2017 with the theme, “Building a Christ-Centered Earth Community of Justice and Peace” last September 20, 2017 during the opening ceremony of the 4-day event.
The Pakiglamabigit event is an annual 4-day intramurals event of STC-Cebu. It got its name from the Bisaya word, “lambigit”, which means “socialize”.
In attendance of the opening ceremony were the entire STC community including the students and faculty of the grade school, high school, senior high school and college departments.
Also present were the parents, guardians and guests of the students who started arriving at around seven in the morning.
The said ceremony was hosted by Martie De Castro, a fourth year Mass Communication student.
The day started with a high note as the drum and lyre corps of the Grade School and High School departments played their pieces and marched around the quadrangle, along with the rest of the student body trailing behind them.
A meaningful interpretative prayer dance was then offered by selected students that depicted the four elements of nature.
Thereafter, Dr. Pinili gave out a long but substantial message to the whole STC community as shestressed out the importance of Christ-centeredness, justice and peace during the event. She said the virtues are essential to the event as they lead to other virtues, particularly mutual respect and care for the environment and elaborated the reasons why they lead to those virtues.
“There can be no peace without justice. There can be no peace as long as there is oppression, there can be no peace unless every student is free from bullying and abuse, there can be no peace if you continue to leave your trash anywhere for the elderly to clean up. Passion for justice and peace also involves respect and integrity of creation.”, Mme. Pinili said.
After her opening speech, she reminded the students to observe proper waste disposal and of course, to play fair. The players then had to recite the athlete’s prayer and oath.
“The message (by Mme. Pinili) was very inspirational. It inspired the athletes to value sportsmanship and stewardship of creation as well”, Gilberta Mausisa, STC College’s registrar shared. Mausisa is one of the parents who attended the event to support their children.
“Indeed, we can achieve peace when there is the absence of injustices and discrimination. Fair and just and gender sensitive society is what we need to attain peace. A simple act could affect life for a lifetime”, Dianne Diola, fourth year Education student, said on her takeaway from Mme. Pinili’s speech.
The symbolic lighting torch commenced afterwards to signify the beginning of Pakiglambigit 2017, which was followed by the raising of the banners of the different grade levels and courses.
STC’s Pakiglambigit wouldn’t be complete without the different field demonstration presentations of the Grade School students and the cheerdance competition of the High School students which took place after the opening ceremony.
Overall, the first day of the Pakiglambigit event was indeed a success and it would have not been possible without the support and cooperation of the whole STC community.
by Camille Loo
October 28, 2017
BOOM-BOOM, TING-TING. STC's very own drum and lyre corps plays at the opening ceremony.
RACE AND RAISE. Representatives from different levels of the departments of STC race on who gets to raise their flags first,
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