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One for the books

by Samantha Judaya

October 28, 2017

      Pakiglambigit 2017 was indeed a blast, though it already ended, the memories shared by each student remains up until the semester is almost over. It is surely a school event that every Theresian look forward to because of the sumptuous food booths, upbeat tones from the barkers’ booth, the cheer dance competition and of course, the games. Students start practicing with their coaches months before Pakiglambigit not only to bag the championship medal but also to showcase their skills in their respective sports. Although in the true spirit of sportsmanship, some win and some lose but for the players and their coaches, Pakiglambigit is never just about the medal and the award, but the moments that are created and shared throughout the whole experience.

Here are Theresian players and coaches who made Pakiglambigit 2017 one for the books:

Julieza Kate Chua, 19

Coach, Psychology-Social Work Chess team

3rd year Pscyhology Student


Julieza may still be a student at STC but that did not stop her there, she, indeed was intimidated by other coaches from different courses since she only knew the basics of the game and played with her cousins during her free time, but she was sure that her team could do it. “The team had an aggressive approach, one player even finished the game in 5 minutes. It was entirely a team effort and I’m glad to have these people represent both organizations”. According to Julieza, a coach always has to establish a good relationship with the players to make things more comfortable, which to her is an essence in coaching. The Psych-Soc team won as champions this Pakiglambigit with Julieza beaming with pride for her team.

Precious Junio, 19

2nd Baseman, Theresian Communicators’ Organization Softball team

3rd Year Communication Student


As a new comer to the game, Precious felt lost at first “I never knew anything about the game and only signed up for it because volleyball already reached its cut off”, she never really thought that two months later she’d regret not joining the team during her first year at STC. One of her many reasons is because to her, the team was not just a team but a family, looking out for each other and being always there in times of hardship. “They are people you never thought you’d be friends with, always taking care of each other not only when you get injured but even with other problems and such”. Her and her teammates now share a bond that she never knew would exist and would still continue to nurture that bond next year as they will play for the last time.

Chloe Garque, 20

Captain, Junior Educators’ Organization Softball team

4th year Education Student


The softball team of the Junior Educators’ Organization may have done their very best but unfortunately they did not win the 1st place. Chloe says that even if they wanted to be the champions, it was never really their main goal. “We all said that if we won’t be champions, that must have been God’s plan for us” still, they remained grateful for being able to play up to their full potential. As a graduating student, Chloe felt sad for not being able to give her team the medal but to her, it’s always about being able to play, regardless of winning or not. Asked if she will still be around next year, not as a player but as a cheerer for JEO, “If I find time and I won’t be busy but surely I’ll come and support JEO”.

STC Central 2017
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